APIs for casual & social games


Please help us improving it by reporting us any bugs or suggestions to [email protected], we put our best efforts in order to make life easier for you and the other developers, and your help will be greatly appreciated.

In this document we’ll dig into the social model of our sites. Please refer to the MINIPLAY APIs OVERVIEW document first if you haven’t read it yet, knowledge of the concepts explained there is required.

1. Introduction

Our social model is purely based on the publish-subscribe model in which users can follow others in order to compete with them without needing approval from the other part, giving our players the ability to fast develop their friends network, this is a crucial aspect of our Miniplay experience, you’re able to beat the best players even when they’re not your friends!.

2. Followers, subscriptions & friendships

Let’s try to put this simple, these are our 3 main concepts:

  1. Follower: An user that is subscribed to you, therefore, he/she can compete with you (without you even noticing about it).

  1. Subscription: An user that you’re following, therefore, you can compete with him/her (without him/her even noticing about it).

  1. Friend: Users that you’re following and that are following you back. Mutual connection.

3. User activity

This is all the activity that the user generates, being it new subscriptions to other users, achievements unlocked, level ups, avatar updates, highscores... Because we don’t store private  information other than the one related with the games, all activity is public, there are no privacy control in the user activity, although it’s within our plans to provide users with the ability to ban certain games from their activity in the near future.

4. User newsfeed

Every user has a newsfeed, think of it as the grouping of all the activity of the users you follow, that way, you can easily know what’s going on around you, never mind if you didn’t show up in the last 2 weeks, when you come back, the newsfeed will keep you updated.  New items in your newsfeed are notified in real time.

These are some of the items that will appear in your newsfeed:

  1. Friends that make other friends
  2. Games that friends likes.
  3. Users you follow that improve your scores in other games
  4. Users you follow that unlock achievements or thropies
  5. Users you follow that levels up
  6. Users you follow that changes their avatars.
  7. And a lot more!

Because of this new whole platform, we’ll track all the user newsfeed usage in order to provide the best experience possible (i.e. by grouping similar messages when needed).

5. Private messaging

Our sites enables direct or private messaging between users, but for security reasons, users can only send/receive messages from/to his friends. Messages are automatically grouped in threads (conversations), one for each friend. New incoming messages are notified in real time.

Because the absence of "user walls" all game activity that an user wants to share with another is sent as private messages (i.e. a game recommendation). We’ll re-evaluate this later.

Do you have questions or want to report some bugs? please contact us at [email protected]